The Green Party

The Green Party at i12 Katong




i12 Katong

112 E Coast Rd

Singapore 428802

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Lifestyle, Pets & Hobbies


The Green Party is a trailblazer in the realm of green retail, driven by a vision to infuse our customers' lifestyles with stylish and innovative eco-friendly products.

We have intertwined our commitment to environmental sustainability with our product innovation, creating a synergistic approach to green retailing.

Our product range is not only contemporary and high-quality but also embodies a unique fusion of style and comfort.

These products are designed to simplify daily living while simultaneously promoting practical sustainability.

Through the use of our offerings, consumers can effortlessly commit to a greener lifestyle, thus playing their part in preserving our planet for future generations.

At The Green Party, we believe that every small step towards sustainability can make a significant impact, and we are proud to be part of this global movement towards a more sustainable future.

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