Nano Hair Growth Clinic




Far East Plaza

14 Scotts Rd

Singapore 228213


Beauty, Hair & Wellness


Nano Hair Growth Clinic is expanding to become one of Singapore's largest and most renowned hair growth clinics. We now have over 30 members of staff and who specialise in nothing but the most effective scientifically formulated and clinically proven hair growth treatments for our clients. Our treatments have been evaluated under strict double blind placebo controlled testing for hair loss and thinning hair. Particular hair growth treatments have been trialled and tested on human skin cells by the Asian Hair Research Society and the new clinical photographs provide unequivocal proof of hair growth. Nano Hair Growth Clinic bespoke hair growth treatments and combustion formulas are recognised by doctors and other medical specialists and are used by thousands of men and women across South East Asia. They are all available to you by visiting one of our Singapore Hair Growth Clinics for a free hair diagnostic examination and consultation with a hair growth specialist. Our Mission: “To revolutionise the hair growth market with the remarkable nano-technological advancements being made by the scientific world.”

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