Class by UFC Gym

Currently closed. Opens 7:00pm today




E!Hub, Downtown East

1 Pasir Ris Cl

Singapore 519599

[View on Google Maps]
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

7am - 8am

12:30am - 1:30pm

7pm - 9pm

Saturday to Sunday

8:30am - 12:30am


Beauty & Health And Optical


Taking the most popular classes, the best coaches and the top technology, CLASS creates workouts that transform your body and the way you look at workouts.

Thousands of UFC GYM members identified BOX and HIIT as their favourite classes.

We took those most popular classes, the best coaches, the top technology and CLASS was created to ensure you get a kick ass workout, while also having a lot of fun.

Walk out of CLASS knowing you are on the way to becoming a fitter, more confident, powerful and stronger version of yourself.

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